Introducing Legal Aspects of Writing and Author Rights Course | April 2022

Start Date: 4 April 2022

Fee: Ksh.1,140 (40% off) introductory offer for April 2022

We are pleased to announce a new course added to our programs of study. The Legal Aspects of Writing and Author Rights Course is designed to equip you with the necessary knowledge on how the law protects you, your writing, and the people you might write about. Additionally, you will earn how to earn from your writing and the author rights you have so that you are not exploited by the industry gurus.

Aim:  To impart knowledge on protecting your writing and approaching your writing as a business.

Duration: 1 Week

Mode of Study – Self-paced online learning.

You Will Learn (Learning Objectives)
  • About copyrights, what is (not) protected, how works get copyrighted, fair use, and copyright registration.
  • About plagiarism, trademarks, libel, and other legal infelicities to avoid.
  • Business approach to writing – selling rights to your text, invoicing, VAT and taxes, and getting paid for your writing.
  • The rights in your text – article rights, book rights, electronic rights, and public lending rights.
  • The essentials of a publishing contract and what to look for before signing one.
  • About literary agents and author licensing and collecting societies (ACLs).

  • Complete the course and get value for your time and money.
  • Read widely, in addition to the course material, to learn from others and grasp more.

Target Audience
  • Writers
  • Journalists
  • Anyone interested in earning from their writing


Though our courses are about imparting knowledge and skills, not an academic/theoretical approach to writing, there will be a self-assessment quiz to gauge your retention of the lessons learned.


Self-assessment quiz: The quiz is graded out of 100%. The pass mark is 80% to have successfully completed the course.


We will award you a certificate for successfully completing the course.

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